Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Riwin's Wish list for 2006-07

30th August 2006

1. A Russian sniper rifle (Dragunov) with (at least) 100 extra bullets.
2. Long holiday
3. Well compiled book of proverbs.
4. All the unpublished books of J.D.Salinger
5. An 80GB MP3 player.
6. A two floor house with state of the art gym at the ground floor with an open lawn and green flowers at the side
7. Two alsatians and two labradors
8. A Red Mitsubishi Lancer SFX and Black Pajero
9. 15' x 15' well furnished bathroom with western toilet
10. 67" Sony Plasma TV with DVD player and Home Theatre.

Can you spot the differences between last year's list and this one?? Go ahead....

1 comment:

Nitin Gupta said...

I can sponsor the toilet seat but indian style. But the spare seat that I have is too dirty and is stinking like hell